Friday Night Lights
Recent article on family-friendly Steelers practice for Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
First off, my apologies for the unannounced hiatus from my posts chronicling the 2022 Batavia Muckdogs campaign. As you may have guessed, I began to fall behind the concurrent research/travel demands for my book last summer and the regular writing required to provide frequent highlights. I was also struggling a bit in determining what made the most sense to feature in a short Substack post vs. what deserved more extensive attention in the book. So, as a result, my research and book writing proceeded apace while my Substack posts fell by the wayside.
In any case, I am now in the final stages of drafting the book manuscript before submitting to my editor. Then we will work together to make it as strong as possible before the - agonizingly slow - publication process begins and it ultimately finds its way to bookstores. I will keep all of you updated as we approach that date.
In the meantime, I will again try to provide periodic posts here that pertain to the overall project, including perhaps some interviews that readers interested in the future of small town baseball, baseball in general, or even the rapidly evolving landscape of professional sports, may enjoy.
To that end, here is a column I wrote for Sunday’s Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that you may like: